Krav Maga Force was created in 2010 by a dedicated group of Military, Close Protection Services, Police and Security professionals working together with a group of civilian Krav Maga and Martial Arts experts.
We have developed one of the most practical field tested and current model of self defense available today. Our programs provide everyone with what they need to ensure their Safety and the Safety of their family and loved ones. In a rapidly changing and ever increasingly violent world, our mission is to help protect the innocent from preventable harm, by teaching them the skills to successfully resolve any violent encounter.
Birth of Krav Maga Force
Krav Maga Force™ was founded in May 2010. The core foundation of Krav Maga Force is based upon the Military, Law Enforcement, Private Security, Krav Maga and Martial Arts experience of its founders Vadim Slavin and Laurian Lapadatu.
Since then high ranking instructors from different Krav Maga and reality based self defense organizations have joined KMF, followed by active/retired military and police, close quarter combat and use of force instructors.
Today we have them all working together with MMA active/veteran fighters and internationally recognized Martial Arts instructors continuing to develop what we like to think as THE BEST Krav Maga curriculum to fit ANY audience.
It is a simple, realistic, easy to learn, and an extremely efficient self-defense system. Basically “You learn it today, and you can use it tonight…”.
Our commitment to our members is to continually provide the best and most current training methods and techniques.
The History of Krav Maga
Krav Maga was created and developed by Imi Lichtenfeld, Israeli Grand-master (1910-1998). He started it in the late 1940’s when serving as Chief Instructor of the IDF for hand-to-hand combat.
As a young man growing up in Bratislava, Slovakia, Lichtenfeld was a champion heavy weight boxer, a top-level wrestler and an expert in Judo / Jiu-Jitsu. His father was a police officer who was in charge of teaching defensive tactics. Lichtenfeld grew up in an environment where combative sports, law enforcement and ferocious street fights played equal rolls. He took part in numerous street fights defending the Jewish quarter against local fascists and Nazis before and during the first phase of World War II.
Lichtenfeld immigrated to Palestine in 1942, which became Israel in 1948.
Due to the political situation, Israel was immediately at war with its neighbors and did not have the luxury of having months of training soldiers in the boot camps. Because of this, the Israeli military needed an effective hand-to-hand combat system that could be learned very quickly, was easy to retain, and was very effective. Hence, the birth of Krav Maga in Israel. Beginning with Israeli Special Forces units, Krav Maga became the official combative training for all military personnel, Israeli police, and security forces.