LEVEL 1 - 2
All Krav Maga Force Courses are recognized by the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, by the STATE OF MAINE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (Licensed Contractor Department OF Defense Cage # 8MS67 / ME . Lic # 190053 Department Of Education). Also our courses are approved by FIMA (Federation of Israeli Martial Arts), by the ISS (Israeli Security Solutions) and by the Major / Doctor ITAY GIL.
Also Krav Maga Force is affiliated with ACE, Canfitpro, BCRPA for CEC’s
You, as a Personal Trainer (or fitness instructor) will find our Combat Fitness program extremely unique, efficient and effective for you and your clients.
Krav Maga Force’s Combat Fitness Instructor course is a full 16-hour Certification Course worth :
1.4 CEC’s from ACE
4 CEC’s from Canfitpro
14 CEC’s from BCRPA
50% OFF Gift Certificate from Krav Maga Force towards KMF CIC Level 1 and/or 2 Instructor Course
This course is open to the general public
16 hours – two 8-hour days
This is a stand alone course, but can constitute as the first half of the full Krav Maga Force Level 1 Instructor Certification (CIC) process. So, when you have completed both modules, you will have the ability to offer Krav Maga Force training in your community.
Our courses not only teach you the skills you need but also the theory behind it.
Safety in Training – Theory
Fitness vs Combat Fitness – Theory
Understanding Fighting – Theory
Combat Fitness Warm ups
Stances and movement (Standing and on the Ground)
Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, MMA and Krav Maga Combatives
Striking Combinations Drills
Bags, Shields and Pads Routines
Blocks and Adrenaline Drills
Attack Scenarios and much more…
Even if your clients are only interested in fitness, this unique combative training program brings a fresh experience to the total body workout.
Your students/clients will get fit faster and they will leave each class with knowledge and skills that will make them safer. It will increase their level of confidence, their speed, coordination and agility.
Do you want to help your clients reach their fitness goals and learn a necessary life skill in the same time?Do you want to empower women with skills & confidence along with fitness? Then this certification is for you.
After These 2 Days of Combat Fitness Instructor Course You Will:
Boost your teaching and self-defense skills
Get CEC’s Credits from ACE, Canfitpro and BCRPA
Bring out the inner warrior in your clients
Get an abundance of new fitness drills and routines
Experience an extreme amount of personal growth mentally and physically
Also have the opportunity to change the lives of women you train by teaching them skills to fight back if necessary
Trust me… and SO MUCH MORE!
NEW Low Prices:
Combat Fitness Instructor Course Level 1: $225 USD/Person
You are hosting the course we show up and teach $2000 USD Flat fee - Max 20 People